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My Top 5 Games

On this page you will find my top 5 Games.

Sonic the hedgehog 2

Sonic The Hedghog 2     Released 1992

My number 1 game has to be Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Mega Drive. This game provided hours of fun running around collecting rings, smashing robots and launching controllers across a room.

Definitely my favourite game and one I still play today.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Wikipedia

assassins creed black flag

Assasin's Creed: Black Flag     Released 2013

My 2nd pick would have to be Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Probably the best game in the Assassin's creed franchise and my personal favourite. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag focuses on the pirate Edward Kenway as he sails the high seas as a pirate turned assassin.

This games combat system and ability to fight ship to ship made it one of the best games I have ever played on PC not to mention the fact that you play as a pirate

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Wikipedia

red dead redeption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2     Released 2018

3rd in the list is Red Dead Redemption 2. This game has stunning graphics, from wide open landscapes to character design. Set in the wild west, the main story focuses on Arthur Morgan and the decisions he has to make to survive.

This game provided weeks of fun as i played through the main story, side stories and hunting challenges, even if my horse kept wandering onto the train tracks and getting run over. Would recommend this to anyone who enjoys gun fights and the Wild West.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Wikipedia

spider man 2 ps2

Spider-Man 2: PS2     Released 2004

In 4th position of my top 5 games, you have Spider-Man 2 on the PS2. This game was a released along side the 2004 Film and featured similar main story with lots of side stories and challanges to complete. At the time this was the first fully open world Spider-Man game.

Web slinging from buildings, tieing up bad guys and delivering pizzas this game was one of my favourite games on the PS2.

Spider-Man 2: PS2 Wikipedia

star war rogue squadron

Star Wars Rogue Squadron PC/N64     Released 1998

And in last place of my top 5 is Star Wars Rogue Squadron. Its Star Wars, and in the 90s this game was one of the best space fighter sims around. During the main campaign you had limited choice over what you could fly, but you did get to fly most rebel ships from A-Wings to X-wings and the Millennium Falcon.

The maps in this game are a lot of fun. Didn't enjoy the Snowspeeder missions much, the rest of it I did especially flying around in an X-Wing blowing up Tie Fighters

Star Wars Rogue Squadron: PS2 Wikipedia
Website created by Thomas Luke Hankinson.
This website is strictly for educational and portfolio use.
The views on this page are my own.
Website is part of Code Naton coursework.